Frequently Asked Questions:
Are you working?
No, I’m disabled as heck. I am exceedingly fortunate to have the financial support of my incredible husband, Ben, and SSDI payments.
Then what do you even do then?
I spend much of my time convalescing (resting, being still, laying down - usually in a dark room, with limited stimuli). I try to learn, talk to friends, spend time with loved ones. I volunteer for the League of Women Voters of Geauga County. I make things. I recently got a travel-friendly power wheelchair that I’m excited to use to explore things outside of my home.
What’s even wrong with you?
I’ve collected diagnoses over the last few years: ME/CFS (is the most limiting), Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (makes having bones complicated), Mast Cell Disorder (makes me randomly allergic to things, and then maybe not allergic to those very same things the following day), and other downstream delights.
Do you sell your work?
Not usually. But I make exceptions. Contact me if you’d like to chat about a commission.
What’s your favorite fart?
I really like the loud ones that don’t smell bad.